Aaron Rodgers gets blasted by his brother after pledging 1M to California wildfire relief

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Family drama involving is nothing new, nor is the airing of it in public. But the Rodgers' family tensions reared their ugly head again on Wednesday and they did so in a very unexpected fashion.The quarterback, who was raised in Chico, Larry Nance Jr. Jersey Calif., shared a video me sage on Twitter Wednesday announcing that he would be donating $1 million to relief efforts for Northern California in the wake of the deadly wildfires that incinerated thousands of acres and homes and have killed over 70 people.Rodgers also called for others to join him in his support, even if it meant just sharing the video, because State Farm would give $1 for every retweet (up to $1 million) of the post. Please take a minute to watch this and if you can, take a few seconds to retweet this using the All the money goes to a great organization for the immediate needs and the recovery efforts for the Thank you Aaron Rodgers (@AaronRodgers12) If was a nice gesture for a community in dire need of support at the moment and, as Dylan Windler Jersey of Wednesday afternoon, the post had over 34,000 retweets.But in spite of the large sum of money pledged to the relief efforts, the post clearly didn't sit well with Rodgers' younger brother, Jordan, who shared a me sage of his own in response. PLEASE DONATE, SPREAD AWARENESS & SEND LOVE. But when your own Mom is home alone during the fires, car packed ready to evacuate, & you mi s the fundamental first step of compa sion; calling your parents to make sure they are safe....Everything else just feels like an act. Jordan Rodgers (@JRodgers11 LeBron James Jersey ) Yikes. That certainly escalated quickly.Aaron's estrangement from his immediate family has been the subject of headlines for a while, and it was especially prominent as Jordan -- a former college QB at Vanderbilt -- competed on Season 12 of "The Bachelor."This may be the ugliest the feud has ever gotten, at least publicly. Calling Aaron's me sage "an act," especially in the context of the situation, is a pretty serious accusation to level Dean Wade Jersey against him. It's probably safe to a sume they won't be spending Thanksgiving together this year.
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